Living in a rural setting exposes you to so many marvelous things - the natural world and the particular texture of small-town life, and the exhilarating experience of open space.
-Susan Orlean
Elkhart Utilities
Elkhart Water Department
433 Morton St., Elkhart, KS Water, Sewer, Sanitation
(620) 697-2554
Black Hills Energy
Rolla Utilities
Rolla City Hall
304 Washington, Rolla, KS
Water, Sewer, Sanitation
(620) 593-4777
Black Hills Energy
Pioneer Communications
Pioneer Electric
Health & Wellness
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org
Angela's Wellness Center
309 Morton, Elkhart, KS
(620) 697-4816
C & R Pharmacy
411 Sunset, Elkhart, KS
(620) 697-2131
Johnson Chiropractic
411 Sunset, Elkhart, KS
(620) 697-5689
Morton County Health Dept.
625 Colorado, Elkhart, KS
(620) 697-2612
Morton County Hospital
Morton County Physical Therapy
411 Sunset, Elkhart, KS
(620) 697-5692
Morton County Medical Clinic
411 Sunset, Elkhart, KS
415 Washington St, Rolla, KS
Elkhart - (620) 697-2175
Rolla - (620) 593-4242
Vision Fitness
24-Hour fitness
515 Morton, Elkhart, KS
(620) 515-5167
Food Services
Elkhart Senior Center
647 S. Cosmos Ave.
(620) 697-2332
Richfield Senior Center
Richfield Senior Center
Richfield Community Building
Contact Sonia Davis at
(620) 593-4202
Rolla Senior Center
205 Washington St.
(620) 593-4727
Food Pantries:
Hands for Hope
Morton County Food Bank & Clothing Ministry
523 Morton, Elkhart Ks
Bob Box Program
(Need-based commodity-65 years or older)
Morton County Health Department